Preliminary findings from an election audit of Texas were released by the Texas Secretary of State on Friday. The “forensic audit” was launched of the 2020 election in Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Collin Counties. Dallas and Harris are two of the state’s largest Democrat counties while Tarrant and Collin are typically two of the largest Republican counties — although Joe Biden supposedly earned a narrow win in Tarrant County.
According to the preliminary report, of the nearly 4 million votes cast in those four counties, there were 17 deceased voters and 60 cross-state duplicate votes. The counties were removing dead voters from voter rolls as expected.
Statewide 509 potential cross-state duplicate votes were cast. Nine of those 509 ballots were cast in Collin County, 12 in Dallas County, 27 in Harris County and 12 in Tarrant County. Cross-state duplicate votes represented .005 percent of votes cast in Texas.
Three of the 67 deceased votes were cast in Collin County, one in Tarrant County, four in Harris County and nine in Dallas County. Statewide, deceased votes still under investigation represent .0006 percent of all votes cast in Texas.
The Secretary of State said investigations have to be complete yet regarding non-citizens being registered to vote. So far, statewide, a total of 11,737 potential non-citizens were identified as being registered to vote. Of those, 327 were in Collin County, 708 in Tarrant County, 1,385 in Dallas County and 3,063 in Harris County.