***This was one of the most popular stories of 2021 here at The Iowa Standard. During this “slow time of year,” we like to look back and revisit the stories that really drove the conversation at The Iowa Standard.***
Three Bible verses came to mind last night as I watched the Ames Community School District board meeting on Monday night.
I’ll share those later.
I recognize few, if any of those members of the board may be Christians or hold any positive view of the Bible.
So these verses may not mean much to them and certainly may not be verses they believe should be applied to them.
But, knowing that the God of the Bible is Lord of all, they will be applied to them. The question is whether the board members come around in time to realize the error in their ways.
And I know, I know. Public schools can’t teach Christian principles, yada yada yada.
Again, that excuse isn’t going to cut it when God is in the process of judging us. He isn’t going to give out a get out of hell free card to anyone who served on a public school board.
I’m not going to get into a deep theological explanation of why homosexuality and transgenderism are sinful. The Bible is extremely clear on sexual immorality, homosexuality, adultery, etc.
While we all fall short of God’s standard, it doesn’t give us an excuse to encourage others to do the same.
I was amazed at the number of “educators” who spoke in support of the indoctrination last night. Again, they are going to teach preschool children the definition of the words “transgender” and “nonbinary.” They are going to tell little kids everyone has the right to choose their own gender and they can pick being a boy, a girl, both, neither or the mysterious something else.
I have said it before and I’ll say it again — we are living in a Romans 1 world. And that’s one of the first verses that came into my head as I listened to “educators” defend the indoctrination.
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:22
How many times have we heard these people are on the “right side of history.” That if those Christians would just “educate” themselves and more people would attend college we could be a more progressive, forward-thinking society.
Well, all these educators surely think they are wise, but is that the case?
Proverbs 9:10 states that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That is, one can only begin to become wise when they fear the Lord.
A school board unanimously mocking God’s created order — mocking what God created in His image — doesn’t show any fear of the Lord. And it certainly doesn’t offer any hint of wisdom.
The other verse that was put on my heart regarding this situation should scare the living daylights out of every member of the administration in Ames and every teacher who will dare go along with the indoctrination.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” — Matthew 18:6
I do not care if you are Michael Phelps, those words from Jesus Christ should serve as a wake-up call.
If you are a parent in Ames hoping to raise your children in a way that reflects your morality and beliefs, the activities scheduled for Feb. 1-5 are certainly not going to help you achieve that.
But there is something good that will come out of this.
The lines in the sand will be clear. You will know exactly where your school board stands, where your church stands, where your pastor stands, where your children’s teachers stand, etc.
Participating in this week of indoctrination will damage children’s minds, but more importantly, it will do damage to their souls.
If the pastor doesn’t speak out against this indoctrination, you need a new pastor.
If the church doesn’t put out a statement and rally against this indoctrination, you need a new church.
If the school presses forward with the indoctrination, you need a new school.
One of my favorite political speeches was given by Rick Santorum. He talked about the liberal drift America has taken.
“The Left has changed America because they want it more and we are complacent,” he said. “We believe that things will just be OK because we’re Americans, we believe that things are always going to be OK.
“But not for such a time as this. This is a time where each and every one of you have to engage. When your business does things that are against your values, don’t just sit and take it. They don’t. They make it uncomfortable. They make it uncomfortable for their businesses, for their schools, for their community groups, civic organizations — look at what’s going on in the Boy Scouts, did that come from the majority of people? No.
“Because they cared enough to fight. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be the generation that lets America slip through and become a descendant not of the American Revolution and God-given rights but of the French Revolution and government-given rights.
“The only way to stop it is not just through politics, but it’s in every aspect of your being.”
Society should help protect the hearts, minds and souls of innocent children. But it isn’t. Pop culture isn’t. Schools aren’t.
This leaves it entirely on your shoulders — moms and dads.
If you’re a parent in the Ames district, it may well be time to get uncomfortable. Considering private school may be uncomfortable. Finding a way to homeschool may be uncomfortable.
But what recourse do you have left?
The souls of your children are at stake. And those in charge of the education system do not care about the souls of your children.