One of the RAGBRAI events in Mason City turned a few heads. A drag show followed the Sugar Ray concert in Mason City, drawing mixed reactions.
Some individuals enjoyed the show while others from the community lamented the fact it happened.
It does not appear the show was heavily advertised based on comments on social media or through the event’s website or social media pages.
On the RAGBRAI Mason City website, concerts by Don Felder and Sugar Ray are promoted. Entertainment by 13 on Seven, Brad Morgan and Danny Grause is also listed. And there’s also entertainment at the beverage garden, but nothing is listed for a drag show.
Here are some scenes from the drag show that were publicly posted to Facebook:
The Iowa Standard reached out to the Mason City Administrator, a person called Aaron Burnett. We asked if the drag show in Mason City during RAGBRAI was an official event put on by the city or something else as information about the event online is scarce.
Here was Burnett’s response:
“The city of Mason City was proud to be a sponsor and support the very successful RAGBRAI Mason City overnight which hosted approximately 20,000 riders and support personnel from across the world. The city was a key sponsor and the overnight was a collaboration of many entities including hundreds of volunteers, the city of Mason City, Visit Mason City and Main Street Mason City. The goal of RAGBRAI Mason City was to provide a unique experience that welcomed all of RAGBRAI to our community and offered something for everyone to connect with during the night.
“The show closed out the night and brought people into the Plaza area, and away from the Main Stage area, to allow for teardown and cleanup after Sugar Ray’s performance.”
We asked Burnett if minors were allowed to attend the drag show. We have not received a response, but will provide an update when we hear from Burnett.
Interesting that when events are evil, administrators don’t answer questions, try to keep people in the dark, and evade answering questions by offering information that was not asked for nor wanted. Evil resides in the dark. Expose them to light and they turn tail and slink into the shadows.
“Drag show” I’d call it a “FREAK” show. I always thought about doing RAGBRI or at least part of it with family but I guess we’ll do something else. Completely off my bucket list.
[…] early August we told you about the city of Mason City hosting a drag show as part of its RAGBRAI overnight stop. And on Aug. 30, we told you about the records obtained […]
[…] early August we told you about the city of Mason City hosting a drag show as part of its RAGBRAI overnight stop. And on Aug. 30, we told you about the records obtained […]