Prophetic words from the Lord are being poured into the Earth by an increasing number of God’s prophetic children. This word was delivered through Tim Sheets, brother of Dutch Sheets. It is powerful and appropriate as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The following was copied from a post on The
“Recently, I asked Holy Spirit for fresh revelation and insight concerning this Christmas season. He very clearly responded to me saying, ‘Prophesy from Luke’s writings on the birth of Jesus Christ. Prophesy it into your times.’
“In the first chapter of Luke, we read that a supernatural mega event, planned by the Godhead in Heaven, had come to its appointed moment. The Christmas narrative gives us the miraculous story of Christ’s birth and it also prophesies into our times. It explains the powerful, creative abilities of Almighty God that can come from the spirit realm into the natural realm and change everything. This incredible story explains how the master plan of the Godhead began to be implemented on the earth under Holy Spirit’s supervision, and also with the angel armies.
“Woven throughout the story, we see how the prophetic promises that had been given for thousands of years all had to align supernaturally. The characters that were to be part of this awesome event had to be born at the right time and grow into their moment. The story reveals that Hell cannot stop any purpose of God coming onto the earth. It also shows that Lucifer and his kingdom have no clear understanding of what the Godhead is planning. It proclaims that while Hell’s kingdom is real, it is inferior in every way, shape and form to the Kingdom of Almighty God. And it reveals how the supernatural impacts and invades the natural realm.
“During this time of history, the soul of Israel was suppressed and there was a shroud of hopelessness throughout the land. However, God had been planning a mega event. He was planning for massive change on Earth, and this is what He says is going to happen again.
“The miraculous birth of Jesus shows it was time for the Kingship of Jesus to be introduced in a new way. It was time for a living, ever-expanding Kingdom to be revealed. The moment had come for God to be with us and for Holy Spirit to live inside of us. Holy Spirit’s hovering and overshadowing would cause new, seemingly impossible things to spring forth. He birthed something in a teenage girl that would change the world, and a few years later birthed new things in the younger generation through the disciples. We also see the older generation giving birth to the new through Zachariah and Elizabeth. Every generation was included in this mega event. (Photo via Flickr)
“As I prayed about this, I received a prophetic download. Hear the ‘wind words’ of Holy Spirit penetrating our times and activating power to shift a nation:
“‘For you have come to an appointed time,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘Another supernatural, mega event has been planned by Heaven for you. It is accelerating into the earth realm. Lucifer, his kingdom, and rulers of darkness will not stop it. You will see My Kingship manifest upon the earth in new ways. New levels of reigning power will now reach into the governments of nations. Dictators, oligarchs, hierarchies and family dynasties that run with the camp of Beelzebub, and those who run demon[ic] errands will be confronted and stopped by My power. It will rise exponentially in new places, new ways and through new and renewed sons and daughters of all generations.
“‘I am releasing new mantles for new times. New anointings reserved for this era are now being poured from Heaven as My supply river flows from My throne through all ekklesiae, and into all of the earth.
“‘This new flow of Holy Spirit will cause the expansion of My Kingdom in ways and displays never before seen. Indeed,’ says the Lord, ‘the mind of man, captured and bound by reason, will be blown. For it will be seen that I cannot be confined by reason or science. I cannot be confined by man’s laws or wisdom. I cannot be confined by the language of fools. I cannot be confined by your capitals, congresses or parliaments. I cannot be confined by your religions. None on Earth or in the universe can confine Me. I will break out against all confinement. The shattering of confinement has begun,’ says the Lord.
“‘Yes, indeed, I have a surprise for you. I have a new event planned for you. I have a new Pentecost planned for you. My Ekklesia will see the breaking off of confinement and function in new anointings of Holy Spirit. For I have remembered My Word through the prophet Joel. It is part of My supernatural mega event. I am pouring out My Spirit on all flesh, the young and old together.
“‘I have given visions to My young men by the multiplied thousands. They will now run with Me, sounding forth awakening. I have put My prophetic words in the hearts of My handmaidens. Like Mary, they are highly favored and will prophesy. Prophetic declarations have been put in their hearts by My Holy Spirit. They will speak My words into the nations.
‘”The babes, the teens, the male, the female will all participate in My outpouring. My older, seasoned generations are dreaming again,’ says the Lord. I am giving them new dreams and I am activating their old dreams. I am anointing their dreams to break forth from confinement. Those called “barren” will now produce,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘My Zachariahs and Elizabeths will give birth to their dreams. They will sing with exuberance. Holy Spirit’s hovering, flowing, overshadowing presence will now birth new things. They will spring forth.
“‘The presentation of My Ekklesia will now manifest in ways never seen before. Church will be done in new ways, as Holy Spirit blends the new with the renewed and activates the Gospel of My Kingdom. This will be confirmed with power-signs Heaven will provide. It will be a message confirmed with creative miracles and assisted by My Kingdom’s angel armies.
“‘Angelic visitations will increase as I release My messengers with destiny messages. Revelation, understanding and enlightenment will accelerate in My sons and daughters as My DNA will be revealed inside of them. My mind will be revealed in them as Holy Spirit guides and provides. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)
“‘I will do exactly what I promised. Through My Ekklesia, I will fulfill My prophetic unction released through My handmaiden in Galilee. Mercy will flow in wave after wave. There will be new births and new birthings. I will bear My arm and show My strength to this world. I will scatter the bluffing braggarts. I will knock tyrants off [of] their high horses. I will pull victims out of the mud. I will sit the starving down to a banquet. I will remember and embrace My chosen ones, piling on favoring mercy; doing exactly what I told them I would do. I will be God with you. I will move more and more into the earth realm, manifesting Myself among My people, producing change all over the world. Change is coming.'”