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From MAGA Inc.:

Kamala Harris trying to present herself as a tough-on-crime prosecutor is “laughable,” according to Amanda Kiefer.

Amanda has first-hand experience with Kamala’s awful record on crime.

Kamala Harris’ “Back on Track” program allowed illegal immigrant criminals to stay out of prison and expunge their criminal record while receiving job training.

ABC News spoke with Amanda Kiefer, who was “attacked by a man who was in the country illegally and had been arrested months earlier on drug charges — but was released as part of a new program that had been launched by Harris, then the city’s district attorney.”

ABC NEWS: “In July 2008, when Kiefer was 29, she was walking with a group of friends in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco when 20-year-old Alexander Izaguirre stole her purse and jumped into a waiting SUV.

The driver of the vehicle then attempted to run Kiefer down, leaving her with a fractured skull. ‘If people who committed crimes were allowed to stay out of prison to train for jobs they couldn’t legally hold, I think most Americans would disapprove of that,’ Kiefer told ABC News.”

Author: Press Release


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