On Saturday, President Trump announced he will be nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated following the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
In response, Terry Schilling, executive director of American Principles Project, released the following statement praising Trump’s decision and pressing the Senate to move towards confirmation:
“President Trump could not have chosen a more fitting candidate to join the Supreme Court. By every measure, Judge Barrett is exceptionally qualified for the role: her decades of experience in law, from her clerkship with Justice Scalia to her many years of teaching at Notre Dame Law School and her service as a judge on the US Court of Appeals, are just the highlights of an outstanding resume. On these merits alone, she is a more than worthy choice.
“But also importantly, Judge Barrett would bring a perspective to the Court which is currently absent. She would be the only current justice who did not attend either Harvard or Yale Law School, and her educational background puts her closer to the average American than the insular Ivy League circles which have for so long dominated the high court. In addition, Judge Barrett would also replace Justice Ginsburg as the only mother on the Court, ensuring that the working moms our country depends so much on continue to have a voice there.
“For these reasons, as well as for her strong record of constitutionalist jurisprudence, APP fully supports Judge Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court. We commend President Trump for his excellent decision, and we urge the Senate to confirm Judge Barrett without delay before the election.”
This week, American Principles Project launched a new campaign, GloriousACB.org, encouraging voters to make their voices heard in support of Judge Barrett as the confirmation process moves forward.