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By Anthony Topping
West Des Moines

What if you were never born? In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” Clarence, the guardian angel, provided George Bailey the opportunity to see the impact firsthand. His brother, Harry, drowned in the pond because George was not there to save him. George never married Mary and thus they never had their children, Pete, Janie, Zuzu and Tommy.

Politicians on both sides argue their position using extreme cases. There are numerous choices that can be made prior to wanting an “abortion for convenience.” The “my body my choice” argument is not logical. Following that logic, it is perfectly fine for a woman to choose to smoke and drink while she is pregnant. Everyone would agree that smoking and drinking harms the baby, but killing the baby via abortion is the ultimate harm.

What if you were adopted? I have really thought about it because I am adopted. I could have never been born and not exist. While I haven’t made the impact like George Bailey, I do have a beautiful wife and three amazing children. It’s a Wonderful Life!

[This letter appeared in the DM Register on October 20th. Thanks to Tony Topping for permission to publish by Pulse Life Advocates.]


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