Three of the four Republicans running for Congress in Iowa either voted for or publicly said they would have voted for H.R. 8404, a bill that codifies homosexual marriage, repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, would force Iowa to recognize whatever California or New York considers marriage and threatens the tax exempt status for churches and ministries that hold to a biblical understanding of marriage.
Congresswomen Ashley Hinson and Mariannette Miller-Meeks both voted in support of the bill, which supporters call the Respect for Marriage Act but conservative opposition refers to as the “Disrespect for Marriage Act.”
Zach Nunn, who is running against Congresswoman Cindy Axne, also said he would have sided with Hinson and Miller-Meeks.
Congressman Randy Feenstra voted against the bill. However, despite representing one of the country’s most conservative districts, never issued a public statement on the bill to The Iowa Standard’s knowledge.
Also of note, none of the four candidates have signed the Big Family Pledge from American Principles Project. The group, which is known as the NRA for the family, put out the pledge earlier this year.
The pledge is relatively simple:
I pledge to do all in my power to actively support legislation, litigation, and other efforts that would:
- Defend girls’ sports by prohibiting biological males from participating, including at the collegiate level;
- Protect children from experimental “gender transition” procedures, including irreversible surgeries, chemical castration, and psychiatric neglect;
- Let kids be kids and protect them from dangerous and divisive propaganda being taught in schools, such as critical race theory and gender ideology;
- Safeguard children from exposure to pornography, obscenity, and indecency;
- Protect life from conception to natural death.
Candidates running for office interested in learning more about the pledge or wanting to sign it can do so here.
Dozens of Republicans seeking legislative seats have signed the pledge, but none of the Republicans running for Congress have.
The Iowa Standard will reach out to the campaigns to ask if they will sign the pledge and if not, why not.