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After returning from a congressional delegation visit she led to Poland and Germany over the weekend, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a combat veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, shared the stories of the Ukrainians she met with—both at a refugee center and in a meeting with members of Ukrainian civil society. Ernst noted Russia first invaded Ukraine almost one month ago, and that the Ukrainians can win this war if the United States and our NATO allies provide them with the lethal aid to do so.
What statistics does she have, that are believable, that says that’s true?
Does she know Ukrainian history? These ppl that think they know what’s going on should go stay there and spend their own money. She doesn’t have a clue.
She is insane. These warmongers are risking nuclear war over a corrupt country where there are no US interests, unless you count the graft that the Bidens and many other political families have engaged in with the crooks there.
Ukraine has no chance of winning this war, and people like Ernst are only promoting more death and destruction. Where is the US in trying to find a diplomatic solution? Instead our politicians are spending more of our money and risking our people for what? US troops should be protecting US borders.
Turns out Hunter Biden had something to do with helping the financing of the bioweapons labs in Ukraine. Ditto for John Kerry’s stepson and the firm of Goldman Sachs. You have to wonder how many US politicians are afraid of what evidence will come to light.