Joe Biden and his Democrat allies have yet to back down on their radical ‘defund the police’ agenda, and continue to stand idly by and remain silent against the rioting and lawlessness that is plaguing our cities across the country.
This time, more violence is occurring in Seattle, where a dozen police officers were injured following a violent attack from demonstrators during an “Abolish ICE” rally. These rioters “began breaking windows, vandalizing public property, and attacking officers”—including sending an officer to the hospital with burns after a demonstrator attacked them with a mortar-style firework.
Criminals understand that defunding the police, which Joe Biden supports, eliminates accountability for their lawless activity in our communities. They are exploiting this opportunity in Democrat-run cities, and they would exploit it nationwide under a Joe Biden presidency.
Bottom Line: In Joe Biden’s America, we can expect more of this lawlessness and attacks on our cities. Meanwhile, President Trump stands for law and order and will fight to protect Iowans and our country.