APP: Neighboring South Dakota House passes landmark bill protecting children from gender ideology

Today the South Dakota House of Representatives passed HB 1057, a bill that would protect vulnerable South Dakota children by prohibiting doctors from performing certain experimental “sex change” procedures on minors. The bill, introduced by Rep. Fred Deutsch (R), passed with overwhelming support by a vote of 46-23, with House Republican leadership, including Speaker Steven Haugaard, strongly supporting the legislation.

The passage of the legislation also comes despite opposition from the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce & Industry and from radical gender activist groups on the left.

In response, Terry Schilling, executive director at American Principles Project, released the following statement applauding the bill’s passage:

“The brave legislators who voted in favor of this critical bill today deserve a lot of credit. Despite scare tactics from radical gender activists on the left and the weak-kneed Chamber of Commerce on the right, the South Dakota House of Representatives put families first and rejected this dangerous gender ideology which is destroying the lives of so many vulnerable young people.

“We thank the GOP leadership in the House for their principled stand for families and children, and we encourage the Senate and Gov. Kristi Noem to do the right thing by passing this landmark legislation and signing it into law.”

Author: Press Release


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