Michael Lambert has organized a Back the Blue-Back the Green-Freedom March for July 11 in Cedar Rapids. The event begins at 10 a.m.
“Our goal is to show our support to law enforcement agencies, first responders and military personnel,” he said. “We had actually thought about it because we had seen everything on the TV and media and some of the protesting is vilifying first responders and the military.”
Sometimes, Lambert said, when responders were called in to deal with protestors, they had their hands tied by Democrats.
“I decided it would be good to get out there and show some support,” he said. “I thought Cedar Rapids would be a great place to do it because nothing was happening in Iowa.”
It will be a peaceful gathering to remind law enforcement that the public has their back.
“I am just an average citizen, a conservative and I believe that things need to be done correctly,” he said. “I do know there are opportunities for reform. Iowa has a good culture of continuous improvements. There are opportunities for reform for both citizens as well as officers.”
He has seen efforts from Black Lives Matter to defund the police, which he thinks is a bad idea.
“I think that defending the police is a better idea,” he said.