Today, the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest consumer price index showing Bidenflation continues to hammer the U.S. economy and hardworking Americans.
“Inflation remains near record highs with no end in sight. The Biden-Franken tax-and-spend policies repeatedly hit Iowans where it hurts most: their pocketbooks,” Grassley Works Communications Director Michaela Sundermann said. “Democrats continue to vote for reckless spending, including this past weekend when Democrats passed partisan legislation that will raise taxes, double the size of the IRS and fuel inflation—not fight it. Iowans are paying the price for Democrats’ reckless spending sprees. Utility, grocery, gas and rent bills are all higher because of the Biden-Franken agenda. The Democrats are out of control and out of touch.
“Don’t forget: Mike Franken praised President Biden for doing a ‘fabulous job’ as Iowans suffer. Senator Grassley said it best: it’s time for Democrats to get in the real world on inflation. Checking President Biden and Democrats at the ballot box is how voters reject their inflationary policies and help the economy recover.”