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The Biden-Harris administration’s lawfare against pro-life Americans continues as the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals hears its suit against Idaho’s pro-life law (Idaho v. United States or Moyle v. United States). The U.S. Supreme Court previously left Idaho’s law in place and sent the case back to the lower court to resolve.

The Biden-Harris administration weaponized a federal law known as EMTALA to force ER doctors to carry out abortions. EMTALA never mentions abortion. In fact, it repeatedly mentions a requirement to provide care for both a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

Director of Legal Affairs & Policy Counsel Katie Daniel commented:

“The Biden administration’s EMTALA charade is a PR stunt to spread the lie that pro-life laws prevent women from receiving emergency care. Biden and Harris told this lie over and over on the campaign trail to justify the Democrats’ position of abortion in all nine months. The truth is, like all states with pro-life laws, Idaho’s law has a ‘life of the mother’ exception which allows pregnant women to be treated in a health emergency.

“We’re witnessing yet another case of Biden weaponizing the Department of Justice against pro-life states and babies in the womb. They want to force pro-life states to adopt the radical Biden-Harris abortion agenda through unprecedented lawfare, as they seek to undermine Idaho’s law that protects 1,500 lives annually. Forcing abortion into a federal law that explicitly requires medical treatment for moms and babies unconstitutionally targets pro-life states like Idaho.”

Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, added:

“I have practiced under EMTALA over my 30-year career. The law has never been confusing to me or my obstetric peers because it calls for the protection of the health of both mothers and their unborn children. I do not perform elective abortions, like approximately 90% of obstetricians, yet I have always been willing and able to intervene if a pregnancy emergency threatened my patient’s life. Every state pro-life law allows a physician to use his or her ‘reasonable medical judgment’ to determine when to intervene, and the risk of maternal death does not need to be ‘imminent.’ Any attempt to use federal law to force physicians to perform abortions is not only unnecessary and coercive but distracts them from their oath to do no harm.”

Author: Press Release


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