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Congressman Andy Biggs continues to make border security his number one priority. He introduced last week legislation to facilitate imposition of the mandate to fix the border given to President-Elect Trump.
“President Trump’s incoming Administration will work tirelessly to reverse the Biden-Harris regime’s disastrous open-border policies. I urge the GOP to quickly move my border legislation through the House and Senate so it’s ready to be signed into law by the President soon after his inauguration. The American people delivered a mandate; we must work in tandem with the executive branch to carry out the demands of the people,” said Congressman Biggs.
Congressman Biggs’s reintroduced bills include the following:
- Stopping Border Surges Act – Closes loopholes in immigration law that serve as a magnet for illegal entry into the country and promotes increased integrity in the asylum system.
- Fund and Complete the Border Wall Act – Establishes funding for the U.S.-Mexico border wall by taxing foreign remittance transfers, rightsizing immigration fees, and reducing foreign aid from countries whose nationals enter the US illegally.
- Ensuring United Families at the Border Act – Protects migrant children from unsafe situations.
- Ending Catch and Release Act – Prohibits DHS from paroling or releasing illegal aliens into the country while the alien’s immigration claim is pending.
- Grant’s Law – Prohibits DHS from releasing illegal aliens who have been arrested for deportable crimes. This bill was named for a Fifth District constituent, Grant Ronnebeck, tragically killed by an illegal alien released from custody despite having a final order or removal.
- Congressional Border Security Assessment Act – Ensures that Members of Congress have access to all parts of the southern border for national security oversight.