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Today, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act, a bill that would prohibit the use of federal funds for any activity or literature that depicts sexual content to children under the age of ten. This would include drag shows, overtly sexual books, and topics involving gender ideology.


The legislation would provide parents with a private right of action against any federally funded entity that exposes their young children to lascivious content, and any entity found guilty of two or more violations in five years would lose its federal funding for three years.


More than 30 House Republicans joined the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act as original cosponsors. American Principles Project (APP) also announced its endorsement of the legislation.


APP President Terry Schilling issued the following statement urging support for the bill:


“Parents across the country are understandably furious as they learn just how far leftist ideologues are willing to go in order to sexualize their kids. This legislation protects families by banning federal funding for grooming and giving parents the right to sue for injunctive relief any time a federally-funded institution violates the law.


Ten years ago perhaps this legislation wouldn’t have been necessary, but that was back when the left adhered to basic standards of human decency. We now live in a country where radical ideologues in our schools think it’s their job to teach other people’s children about weird sexual fetishes and bizarre gender theories. This is dangerous and wrong, and we need to do everything we can to stop it.


APP applauds Rep. Johnson for taking the lead on this important legislation. We encourage all Republicans to cosponsor the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act, and we urge GOP House leadership to call for a vote on it in the next Congress.”


You can read American Principles Project’s vote recommendation to members of Congress here.


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