Tuesday, Jan. 19
To watch any of the subcommittees or submit comments, visit this link.
9:30 a.m. – SSB 1013: Senate Study Bill relates to the definition of sex act or sexual activity.
The bill amends the definition of “sex act” or “sexual activity” for purposes of the Iowa criminal code to include contact between the mouth and anus of two or more persons, contact between the finger, hand or other body part of one person and the genitalia or anus of another person except in the course of an exam or treatment by certain licensed professionals and the touching of a person’s own genitals or anus with a finger, hand, artificial sexual organ or other similar device at the direction of another person.
9:45 a.m. – SSB 1014: An act relating to sexual abuse in the second degree. Current law provides sexual abuse in the second degree includes when the sexual abuse involves a person under 12. This bill provides sexual abuse in the second degree includes when the sexual abuse involves a child. Child is defined as any person under 14.
11 a.m. – SSB 1001: An act relating to the crime of disorderly conduct.
This bill requires a person to intentionally or recklessly cause unreasonable distress when the person engages in loud and raucous noise in the vicinity of any residence or public building.
11 a.m. – SSB 1030: An act relating to the treatment of adoptive parent employees.
The bill requires an employer to treat an employee who chooses to adopt a child up to 18 in the same manner as an employee who is the biological parent of a newborn child for purposes of employment policies, benefits and protections for the first year of the adoption.
1 p.m. – SF 12: An act relating to approval procedures for claims for the military service property tax exemption.
2 p.m. – SSB 1012: An act relating to trusts, including requirements for certifications of trust and the general order of abatement.
2 p.m. – SSB 1026: An act relating to the repeal of the state inheritance tax and the state qualified use inheritance tax.
2:30 p.m. – SF 51: An act relating to the assessment of fees when a public defender or designee requests copies of certain documents.
3:30 p.m. – SF 30: An act relating to the carrying of weapons by certain individuals involved with law enforcement.