Democrat State Sen. Tony Bisignano took to the floor of the Iowa Senate on Thursday for a point of personal privilege. Bisignano has called supporters of President Donald J. Trump “ignorant,” said Rudy Giuliani testing positive for COVID was “karma,” labeled President Trump a “threatening nut job” and said Gov. Reynolds’ loyalty to President Trump has cost Iowans’ their lives.
Yet he stood up on Thursday to criticize Republicans for talking about a stolen election and to implore his colleagues to work for bipartisanship.
It was Dec. 15, 2020 when Bisignano called Stephen Miller an “evil person” who carries the “stain” of child separation. He posted about the “Republican stain” on our democracy. And he said that Ashli Babbitt, the veteran who was shot and killed inside the U.S. Capitol, was “not a patriot when she was breaking in the U.S. Capitol.”
But this is the guy who stood up on Thursday and lectured everyone in the Iowa Senate about bipartisanship.
“At a time when this country celebrates its democracy, it celebrates our peaceful transition of power, that we show the world why we’re the most powerful nation — we are not celebrating this year,” he said. “And our Guard is not safe. The fact that we have to bring troops into our United States Capitol to protect themselves and our property against Americans — it’s the first time our troops have protected themselves against Americans, to defend the United States Capitol. The most powerful nation that God has ever created. And here we are today going into inaugural weekend — barricades, troops, riot gear, fear, anxiety…and why?”
Bisignano highlighted that about 75 percent of Republicans believe the election was stolen from President Trump. He did not reference the stat that 30 percent of Democrats agree.
“Some you still believe it,” he said. “And if some of you believe it, that’s the problem, because people count on us for the truth. That’s who we are. When you talk to someone and you mislead them with misinformation, you have done not only them a disservice, you have discredited yourself and you have discredited the state.”
Bisignano said the beginning of session is typically a time for a call to bipartisanship. He said bipartisanship is a good thing, and the Iowa Senate could set an example.
“We always watch what the FBI and Homeland Security does,” he said. “They have set out what they believe to be 50 terrorist targets. We’ve never seen that in the United States of America where our security tells us we have identified potentially 50 targets for terrorism within the same week. You’re sitting in one. We’re a target. Why are we a target? Why are we a target? Well, I’ll tell you what I think. I think it’s been misinformation. Misdirected emotion — anger, disappointment — and then we decide to just deny that we lost.”
Bisignano said he watched the “insurrection” and said it was a “government overthrow.” He then talked about his fear of what might happen in the Iowa Senate.
“Once those doors are rushed and once these galleries are full and once weapons are pulled out, you don’t look any different than me,” he said. “And if you think you do, and they know how to sort you out, I’m coming right next to you because if they shoot at me I hope they hit you. Because this is absurd. This is absurd to be in this building and be afraid. It’s absurd to think that you can intimidate the Iowa Senate or the Iowa legislature.”
He blamed those who spread “misinformation about a rigged election” while knowing it isn’t true. He called for working together and listening to each other.
Then he launched into an attack at cable news, saying if he put on CNN or MSNBC or, “God forbid Fox News,” he wouldn’t be in a good mood.
“Fifty of us will be judged on who we are and how we behave,” he said. “The example we set. And if my child was in their formative years watching TV now, I would have a very difficult time explaining to them about America, about the United States, about democracy, about elections, about violence — this is now going to skew a generation of our kids. That’s a shame, because it’s just like racism — you’re not born with it. You’re taught it.
“So we all have a responsibility not only to our families, not only to ourselves, but to these members, to these pages, to our clerks and to our staff — not to do things to incite people to come in and harm us all.”
Wonder if his same hopes apply to his Facebook page.