I recently saw a little boy warmly greeted by his loving grandmother as elevator doors opened. The image of their embrace reminded of the love I have for my own grandchildren and my desire to protect them from the dangers we see that lie ahead of them.
Unfortunately, we are no longer living in a nation where our concerns for our grandchildren are limited to riding on an elevator or the hazards on the playground. We are forced to think about grown-up things like the erosion of individual freedoms, the right to think independently, the ability to make choices free from government interference, and the freedom to speak without fear of retaliation.
We now live in a nation where powerful forces seek to limit the people’s ability to control their own lives. Using shame and blame, these forces have attempted to silence an older generation that remembers when God was revered, when government was limited, when a two-parent family was kept to a high standard, when schools were for learning, not indoctrination, when taxation was for infrastructure not to buy votes, when the right to bear arms was proudly protected and when the U.S. Constitution was not under assault.
When the pillars of freedom are removed, when thought and speech are controlled, when taxation and debt threaten to ruin the financial future of a nation, and the right to protect ourselves is removed, these are signs of the impending collapse of the America we love. We need bold leaders in Congress who will not be shamed into submission, but who will stand up to every threat against our individual freedoms.
As a candidate for U.S. Senate and as a grandparent, I am committed to ending this assault on freedom, not for personal gain, but to restore the pillars of our freedom and for the sake of future generations.