TERRIBLE IDEA: FAMiLY Leader, Iowa Faith & Freedom sound off on...
The Platform Committee reportedly decided to remove a plank that called for the repeal of homosexual marriage ahead of Saturday's Iowa Republican Party Convention....
PASTOR SAM: Keep Biblical Marriage in the GOP Platform
Homosexuality is treason against the family, and the family is the backbone of every successful nation.
Genesis 1:27: So God created man in His own...
SAVE THE DATE! Steve Deace featured guest at fundraiser for pro-life...
Conservative Republican State Rep. Zach Dieken will host a fundraiser for his re-election on May 10. Dieken just finished his first term in the...
LETTER: Iowa GOP Platform Committee putting political victory over principle, marriage...
Political victory over principle. This seems to be the position taken by the Republican State Platform Committee leading into this weekend’s Republican State Convention....
REP. HOLT: Major Accomplishments Highlight Session
The Iowa House concluded the final year of the 90th General Assembly at 4:23am on Saturday, April 20th. It was a highly productive session with...
Bird Challenges Biden ATF Extreme Gun Sale Ban
On Wednesday, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird co-led a 21-state coalition in a lawsuit challenging the Biden Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’ extreme...
Platform committee member sheds light on removal of COS, marriage planks
On Thursday, The Iowa Standard spoke with a member of the Republican Party of Iowa Platform Committee. We had heard the vote to remove...
LETTER: America needs a statesman, vote Pautsch against Miller-Meeks
At the recent convention of Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, David received a standing ovation after delivering his remarks. (That’s never happened before!). And it...
LETTER: A Pastoral Rebuke of Steve Scheffler
Matthew 12:33-38: "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree...
Initial encampment at University of Iowa taken down within 30 minutes
It didn't take long for law enforcement at the University of Iowa to respond to the first encampment effort on Monday.
Early on Monday, the...