Concerned parents say Lovstad isn’t listening, joked about having armed guard after Monday meeting

Concerned parents gathered for a protest on Sunday evening at the residence of Lori Lovstad, the Ankeny School Board President, who The Iowa Standard reported about on Tuesday due to her public ridiculing of a citizen who sent her an email.

According to parents, Lovstad wasn’t home, but did notify the cops to supervise the protest.

In all, over 100 Ankeny protesters marched to Dean Park on Sunday afternoon. According to an email sent to The Iowa Standard, Lovstad knocked on the very doors of those who protested on Sunday. Lovstad asked for their support and told them she’d be an advocate for their kids.

“Yesterday the protesters did the same, asking for her support (peacefully from across the street in the park, with police supervision),” the email said.

Lovstad “led” the board vote against sending a survey to parents regarding which Return-to-Learn model they preferred and “threw out” a petition signed by approximately 2,000 Ankeny residents. The petition asked for 100 percent in-person instruction AND a virtual learning option to be offered to parents, according to the email.

Based on the email sent to The Iowa Standard, parents state more than 200 kids have already chose another education path.

“As of (Monday), teachers are being put in a position that results in them having to remove portions of the curriculum in order to fit it all in,” the email said. “In addition, because of the poor planning of the Ankeny Board and administration, we have a hybrid model that is failing our teachers, parents and kids. The model was executed without the proper tools needed to ensure success. As a result, our teachers are stressed, parents are having to find supplemental ways to educate and find alternative working arrangements and our kids are regressing.”

The parents said they want kids to return to school for 100 percent in-person learning with an optional 100 percent virtual learning option. They also want the board to adopt state mandated COVID thresholds, implement Canvas as soon as possible, provide more assistance and resources for teachers and maintain the same testing standards, quality curriculum and equitable education as in year’s past.

Other concerned parents sent the following video to The Iowa Standard. They say it’s the conclusion of Monday night’s meeting and Lovstad jokes about wanting armed guards.

Author: Jacob Hall


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