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Constitutional Action Network

2022 Candidate Survey

Robert Nazario House District 54


Over reach measures have been taken in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in America. Unelected officials and tyrant politicians at all levels of government have unconstitutionally ruled over citizens by decree including dictating health care treatments and options, locking down schools, churches, business, forcing citizens to wear masks, mandating vaccinations, and forcing Iowans to carry vaccine passports in order to participate in society.

  1. Will you publicly support the freedom from government action taken against our bodily autonomy? YES _X_ NO     
  1. Will you publicly support the individual right to refuse any medical procedure, treatment, injection, vaccine, or prophylactic shall not be questioned? Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied to any person of the State of YES __ X_ NO      
  1. Please explain your answers com medical tyranny must end period. 110% against force vaccines.

Employers have failed or refused to hire someone based on their vaccine status. Employers have discharged, penalized, or otherwise discriminated against an employee with respect to compensation or terms of employment based on their vaccine status or refusing to provide proof of immunity.

  1. Will you publicly support banning any discrimination against an employee made by an employer in regard to vaccine status? YES_X_NO
  1. Please explain your answer I  retired early and one reason was fo_rced My employer did not stand for the workforce and pushed the mandates. 

Health care licensing authorities have denied or revoked the license of physicians and pharmacists. The state, county, and city health departments have implemented mask mandates and lockdowns without authority over their citizens. These are unelected positions.

  1. Will you publicly support banning the authority of these boards to revoke license of the members of their organizations? YES _X_ NO      
  1. Will you support banning unauthorized mask mandates and lockdowns by state, county, and city health

YES _X_    NO

  1. Please explain your answers Masks don’t work Fear will not reign. I trust my God!


School administration and teachers are openly grooming our children across the nation and the state of Iowa. High schools are allowing the opposite sex in the bathrooms and locker rooms across the state.

  1. Will you publicly support a Parents’ Rights Bill, opposing sexual grooming in Iowa Schools? YES _X_ NO
  1. Will you publicly support no school allowing the opposite sex in the bathrooms and locker rooms in school?

YES_X_   NO _

  1. Please explain your answers _for statement on my website. I stand with the parents and stand for school

Under the current Iowa Civil Rights Act gender identity and sexual orientation has been a protected class since 2007. This has allowed for a biological female teenager to use a public swimming pool topless because she identifies as a male.

As shown by Linn Mar High School’s school board, this Act allows them to give males access to the female facilities and females access to male facilities at the school based on how the student identifies not on their biological sex.

  1. Will you publicly support stripping gender identity and sexual orientation from the Iowa Civil Rights Act? YES _X_ NO _
  2. Please explain your answer No Strip it 100%. We must protect the people/children

School choice makes public schools better. Tax payer dollars are spent efficiently. All children need an educational setting that works for them, otherwise, it is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Tax payer dollars should follow the student not the school. ESAs are needed for all students in the State of Iowa. There should be no discrimination regarding income. ALL families should have the ability to choose the school best for their children.

  1. Will you publicly support school choice for all students in Iowa? YES_X_NO                                
  1. Please explain your answer _100%_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


An Article V convention is needed in order to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The amendments should impose fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and impose term limits on federal officials and members of Congress.

  1. Would you publicly support an Article V convention in order to propose amendments to the Constitution? YES _X_ NO_
  2. Please explain your answer We need term limits to career politicians COS is a must.

Our individual rights need to be restored as an amendment to the Iowa Constitution. The right of an individual to refuse any medical procedure, treatment, injection, vaccine or prophylactic may not be questioned or interfered with in any manner. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged to any person in the State of Iowa because of the exercise of right under this section.

  1. Would you publicly support an amendment to the Iowa Constitution to protect our individual rights? YES _X_ NO_
  2. Please explain your answer We must protect Iowans from Fed and State The last two years showed us much of their plan to force vaccination on ALL. We must fight these abuses. 

Federal judges have nullified state laws such as masks in schools per guidance from the CDC and other appointed bureaucrats.

  1. Will you publicly support the State of Iowa using all of its reserved powers in order to protect Iowans from the Federal government abusing their powers and usurpation of Constitutional authority? YES _X_ NO_
  2. Please explain your answer Must focus on full weight of the 10th amendment and protect our citizens against all government overreach The left is not   Globalism is on a war path and must be defeated. Look what’s going on now with the WHO. Madness. Must be defeated .

On March 19,2020, the Governor declared a state of emergency for Iowa. This state of emergency was not lifted until February 15, 2022. The Governor had total control over this declaration.

  1. Will you publicly support limiting the emergency powers of the Governor? YES _ X_ NO
  1. Will you publicly support a vote by the Iowa Legislature to extend an emergency proclamation beyond 15 days? YES _ NO _X_
  2. Please explain your answer We must re-examine all powers given the State of Emergency Powers. Too many blue states have seen the


Constituent transparency on issues is a hindrance when leadership does not require a vote.

  1. Do you support bringing all votes to the floor? YES _X_ NO     
  1. Are you for or against personal accountability to constituents? We must be for full personal accountability to our

 3. Do you support individual transparency for your constituents?


 Please explain your answers Yes, 100%


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