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U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) continued to hear from Iowans across the state this week, visiting fifteen counties as part of her 99 County Tour for 2021. Ernst visited with Iowa parents, health care providers, agriculture workers and employers, businesses, nonprofits, and local officials.
Parents and Child Care Stakeholders
- Carroll County: Ernst met with parents and local leaders of the Glidden community to hear about their public-private partnership to create a local child care center.
- Montgomery County: In her hometown of Red Oak, Ernst visited a new day care center.
Health Care Providers
- Calhoun County: In Lake City, Ernst spoke with folks at Opportunity Living about the services they provide for Iowans living with disabilities.
- Audubon County: Ernst visited Medicap Pharamacy and discussed their efforts to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to folks in the area.
- Pottawattamie County: Ernst toured the Nursing Simulation Center at Iowa Western Community College.
Agriculture Workers and Employers
- Ida County: Ernst visited Tiefenthaler Quality Meats, a local meatlocker in Holstein.
- Crawford County: In Denison, Ernst met with folks from Quality Food Processors, a meat processing facility.
- Decatur County: Ernst toured Iowa Reindeer Rental, a reindeer farm in Garden Grove.
Iowa Businesses
- Story County: Ernst met with the owners of CIT Signature Transportation to hear about their experience with the Paycheck Protection Program.
- Boone County: With leaders of Fareway Stores, Ernst highlighted her work to support Iowa businesses and essential workers impacted by COVID-19 and help employees pay down their student debt through their employers.
- Harrison County: Ernst tasted “Iowa’s best burger” at the Twisted Tail Restaurant in Beebeetown and discussed the struggles facing Iowa’s restaurants during COVID.
- Ringgold County: Ernst toured Excel Engineering, a major high-skilled employer in Diagonal.
- Woodbury County: Ernst visited with members of the Junior League of Sioux City and thanked them for their work to help the community.
- Sac County: Ernst visited Rick Meister, a local farmer who lost his legs in a combine accident and has been able to continue running his family farm thanks to EasterSeals.
Local Officials
- Webster County: Ernst met with city and county officials in Fort Dodge and discussed issues like rural broadband—something she’s long been advocating for in the Senate.
To follow along on Senator Ernst’s 99 County Tour for 2021, click here.