Mark Galli, an editor at Christianity Today, wrote the following about Pres. Trump in an article that took the internet by storm and received hundreds of responses by evangelical writers, including me:
That [Trump] should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.
According to Galli, there is a God and the Ten Commandments are a summary of His moral standard. Why is Galli only applying the Ten Commandments to Pres. Trump when there is a political party that has been in constant violation of them for decades? In fact, the secular moral worldview that inspires the Democrat Party has no use for the Ten Commandments or the God of the Bible.
Ten Commandment monuments have been ordered removed from government property by judges. For example:
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that a monument to the Ten Commandments must be removed from the state’s Capitol in Oklahoma City.
I don’t know where Christianity Today was on this topic or how it responded to Pres. Obama turning the White House into a rainbow flag celebrating same-sex sexuality, a clear violation of the Seventh Commandment. I’m almost certain that Christianity Today didn’t call for the impeachment of Pres. Obama.
I did find this from Ed Stetzer, a contributing editor at Christianity Today:
On the second anniversary [of 9/11], we need to reflect on our response. Most of the initial unity has passed. Democrats and Republicans are not singing “God Bless America” on the capitol steps. Instead, we have moved on to Ten Commandment monuments and political campaigns.
He says the nation “needs Jesus.” I agree, but we also need God’s law since the law tells us why we need Jesus.
Why hasn’t Christianity Today been critical of the Democrats if the Ten Commandments are the standard? It’s an irritating puzzle that demands an answer. Trump is by no means a perfect man, but to claim that he’s somehow different from other politicians is maddening.
John F. Kennedy had his sexual conquests. Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown in the backseat of his car while he met with his political advisers on how to handle the incident. Bill Clinton has been accused of numerous sexual indiscretions. These are just some of what we know. The media have been complicit in keeping Democrat sins off the front page.
I’m for equality when it comes to pointing out the sins of politicians. For every sin of Trump, the media should expose a sin of a Democrat. But the question remains – by what standard? – since Democrats no longer have any standards.
It would be helpful if Christianity Today would evaluate the Democrats by the standard of the Ten Commandments:
- The First Commandment states that there is only one God, and only He can save us. Democrats believe that the State it is god and they are its ministers and only they can save us.
- The Second Commandment forbids idolatry. The State has become an idol and is worshipped as a god when the Bible declares that civil government is limited, decentralized, and serves as a “minister [servant] of God to [us] for good” (Rom. 13:4). The standard of good is not what politicians or judges say it is. The State continues to grow and pass more laws, and more people consider the State to be their savior.
- The Third Commandment forbids taking God’s name in vain. Politicians appeal to God all the time and yet violate His commandments in the same breath. President Obama referenced God – even singing “Amazing Grace” – in his eulogy for Rev. Pinckney and soon after celebrated the Supreme Court’s ruling making same-sex marriage the law of the land. This is taking God’s name in vain.
- The Fourth Commandment sets one day a week aside for rest. That day is Sunday. Not Friday or Saturday. The interesting thing about this commandment is that it’s written into the Constitution at Article I, Section 7, Clause 2. a document that Democrats say is religiously neutral.
- The Fifth Commandment defines the family. As we’ve seen, the courts have redefined the family, and by redefining the family they can now rewrite all law in terms of that new definition.
- The Sixth Commandment was legislated out of existence decades ago by the sanctioning of perpetual war and the legalization of abortion.
- The Seventh Commandment in its prohibition of adultery is a summary statement about all marital relationships. The law prohibiting adultery rests on the creation mandate of marriage being between a man and a woman (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:20-25). The complement of man and woman is what’s “suitable,” not two men or two women. Jesus confirmed the creation mandate that marriage is between a man and a woman (Matt. 19:1-6).
- The Eighth Commandment prohibits stealing. Our nation’s outrageous taxing system is based on theft when people are given the right to vote to take money from some people so it can be given to other people.
- The Ninth Commandment prohibits bearing false witness. Politicians bear false witness with almost every word they speak. Consider the following statement from presidential candidate Barack Obama that he gave on April 17, 2008, when he was campaigning for the presidency: “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union God’s in the mix.” Hillary Clinton said something similar.
- The Tenth Commandment indicts the modern State and those who support it because it covets everything: power, property, authority, money, prestige, privilege, and our souls. Covetousness leads to envy.
It would be a great help if the folks at Christianity Today would be an equal opportunity judge of both Republicans and Democrats.
Original story here.