Bjorn Johnson is challenging Rep. Skyler Wheeler (R-Orange City) in Iowa House District 4. It is one of, if not the, most conservative House districts in the Hawkeye State.
Johnson, though, told local media he is running against Wheeler because of Wheeler’s divisiveness.
An example of the divisiveness was an article that Wheeler, along with Rep. Dean Fisher and Rep. Sandy Salmon (two House Republican colleagues), wrote defending law enforcement.
Johnson took issue with the article because, according to Johnson, it basically said Wheeler, Fisher and Salmon do not believe that law enforcement has systemic racism in this country.
“In these times we’re in, I think it’s important to focus on the police officers that are respectful, and that it is the minority of them that are doing this,” Johnson said. “However, it is clearly issues throughout the entire police function in our country.”
Siding against law enforcement and with the Black Lives Matter agitators is a bold strategy in District 4.