Democrat State Rep. Marti Anderson spoke against the amendment that prohibits schools from requiring masks.
“I do understand that some parents don’t like to be told to wear masks or their kids to wear masks or get vaccines out of a sense of their rights and their freedoms,” Anderson said. “I do understand that. But this is about public health. People may not want to wear a mask. I didn’t like wearing a mask, I hated it. But don’t we have a responsibility to protect the health of the people around us?”
Anderson said some members of the House got very, very sick during the pandemic and others will never completely recover.
“Don’t we all have a responsibility to each other,” she asked. “If they don’t want to wear masks, I think that’s fine, I think they should stay home. I think those parents should then teach their children rather than sending them to a school where they can make not only other kids but teachers and cafeteria workers and office workers very, very ill if they don’t take some precaution.