Democrat State Rep. Sharon Steckman was one of the few Democrats who voted against a bill in the Iowa House on Tuesday that requires schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day and display the American flag. Students are able to not participate if they wish and nonpublic schools with certain religious beliefs are not required to do so either.
Steckman said there are plenty of other things the House could be doing for Iowans. She discussed kids living in poverty, kids who are food insecure and small businesses that are struggling to stay afloat.
“I think those are all things we should be working on, but instead we seem to be set on mandating things for schools,” she said. “That seems to be our business. We seem to be micromanaging.”
Steckman said she doesn’t believe patriotism can be legislated or judged by an individual’s ability to “memorize words to recite.”
“I don’t believe you can legislate patriotism,” she said.