Tuesday provided a daily double of hits from Democrat State Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeschell. After her over-the-top, hypocritical remarks during the life amendment subcommittee hearing, she kept it rolling during a subcommittee on the right to keep and bear arms amendment.
Wessel-Kroeschell noted the attack at the U.S. Capitol by “insurrectionists.” But, she highlighted that we’d be “celebrating” the inauguration of a new President today.
While Iowans want their guns, she said, they also want to be in a safe state from gun violence in their homes, in their communities and in their neighborhoods.
I know a lot of Iowans. A lot.
I’m not sure I can think of one who is fearful of gun violence in their home, their community or their neighborhood.
In Wessel-Kroeschell’s mind, if the voters of Iowa decide to pass this amendment, it will “help” people turn to gun violence “over and over again.”
So, in essence, this is an elected official claiming her constituents are one constitutional amendment away from becoming serial killers.
To quote David Spade from the airport scene in Tommy Boy – “Hi, I’m earth, have we met?”
Wessel-Kroeschell said Iowans believe it is important to live their lives “without the constant threat of gun violence hanging over our heads.”
Honestly, if you are an Iowan who fears gun violence here in our state, please write an explanation as to why and submit it to [email protected] so we can post it.
The argument, I presume, will be that Iowans will live in fear if this amendment passes due to the strict scrutiny language.
But are we really naïve enough to think that the only thing that has kept Iowa from becoming the Wild, Wild West is an absence of a constitutional amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms?
That’s how highly elected Democrats think of us?
That the only thing keeping Iowans from turning to gun violence “over and over again” is an absence of a right to keep and bear arms amendment in the Iowa Constitution.
It hurts. Following their logic hurts.
I don’t say it often, but it fits here.
I can’t even.