I don’t want to spend too much time on this. My hope is it was said in the heat of the moment and not to be taken seriously. But it’s worth reporting.
Democrat State Sen. Tony Bisignano provided an interesting line on Thursday during an Iowa Senate subcommittee on a bill that would legalize the death penalty in Iowa if a minor was kidnapped, raped and murdered by an adult.
These cases are rare in the Hawkeye State, thank God. They’re also as bad as bad can be.
Few things are worse than a child being kidnapped, raped and murdered.
But Bisignano refused to support the legislation. Kids who are kidnapped, raped and murdered — well, justice for them doesn’t involve the death penalty.
But…but, if it was a bill instituting the death penalty on someone who would rush into the Capitol and kill legislators, then justice looks a little different.
“If you came with a bill that told me if people stormed the Capitol and shoot a bunch of innocent legislators, maybe you’d get a vote or two from the Democrats,” Bisignano said.
So, let’s recap.
A little kid who is kidnapped, raped and murdered, the perpetrator doesn’t deserve to be put to death.
But if a person shoots and kills a legislator, then maybe the Democrats would support it.
So, maybe I’m oversimplifying things, but is that to say a legislator’s life is more valuable than a little kid’s?