American adults are on board with mandatory masking according to a new Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey.
Fifty-eight percent of American Adults said people should be required to wear masks to protect against COVID until everyone is vaccinated.
Thirty-two percent disagree and 10 percent are not sure.
While most of Joe Biden’s ideas are unpopular with Americans, this seems to be one exception based on Rasmussen’s findings.
Half of Americans say easing restrictions will likely lead to a COVID surge. Thirty-three percent disagree and 16 percent do not know.
Seventy-one percent of those already vaccinated said people should be required to wear masks. Individuals already vaccinated are also more likely to believe easing restrictions will lead to a COVID surge (61 percent vaccinated against 46 percent unvaccinated).
Interestingly, 50 percent of Democrats have gotten the vaccine, 36 percent of Republicans have and 30 percent of unaffiliated voters did.
While it seems Americans believe masking should be mandatory, Rasmussen’s poll shows 76 percent of Democrats favor requiring masks while just 46 percent of Republicans and 50 percent of unaffiliated voters agree.