Earlier this session we saw an example of liberal tolerance for people they “think” are supposed to be Democrat but are instead Republican. It wasn’t long ago that Democrat State Sen. Claire Celsi called Republican Rep. Eddie Andrews (the only black member of the GOP in the Iowa legislature) a “sellout.”
Skin color or ethnicity are not the only characteristics that Democrats believe should determine political ideology.
That is evident by the grief freshman Republican Rep. Garrett Gobble has received for being both a public school educator and a member of the GOP.
And to be fair, Gobble has not been an overly conservative member of the Republican Party in the Iowa House. He voted against a bill ending tenure and opposed the Students First Scholarship bill.
My personal hope for Gobble is that he reviews those issues and studies deeper into what the GOP belief is and really examines the heart of the principles when it comes to those two issues.
Nonetheless, he’s also stood tall and taken tough votes he can be proud of as a Republican — and as a teacher.
But as a public school teacher, he receives near-constant criticism on his social media pages.
Let’s start with a guy called Andrew Rasmussen and share how he reacted to Gobble’s support of the return-to-learn bill:
“Rep. Gobble, since you also teach eighth-grade social studies I request your presence on the first day I have full face-to-face classes in my too-small classroom with one window and 25-plus students not able to socially distanced (sic). And if you can’t attend I request your attendance at my hospital bed should I get COVID-19 thanks to this bill. Or at the least you could attend my funeral to explain to my 3-year-old son why you had to put his daddy at risk…”
Taylor Griffin told Gobble they were “extremely sad” he supported a piece of legislation because he is a teacher and he has multiple family members who teach.
Gobble was also told to “stand up” for teacher, not just his party. Of course, he wasn’t told to “stand up” for individual children and parents.
He was also criticized for supporting the ability of moms and dads across Iowa to open enroll their children out of a district if they wish. And again, his profession was used against him.
“I had hoped as a teacher you would have stood in the gap for *all* Iowa learners,” Amber said.
Again, he did stand up for all Iowa learners and their ability to receive their education where they prefer.
Jennifer seems to believe education policy is supposed to strengthen public schools first — rather than students. She seems to put schools first and students elsewhere.
By the way, did we mention earlier that Gobble comes from a family of teachers?
If not, Jennifer #2 reminds us.
“You come from a family of teachers, yet it seems as though you are not supporting your fellow teachers nor those students of color by not committing to the voucher bill and supporting the School Segregation Bill.”
Helen was “disappointed” that “a teacher” would vote to defund public schools. Public schools in Iowa receive plenty of taxpayer dollars. Education eats up more than half of the state’s budget.
Dan pointed out to Gobble that it is “very sad” a “public school teacher” would support a certain piece of legislation.
Gerald asks how a “real teacher” would support one bill that Gobble pushed. Kristopher is at least honest when he says we should keep school systems properly funded and unions intact — because to someone somewhere, that is the definition of “putting students first” I’m sure.
Gobble voted in favor of a bill that would prevent schools from teaching as fact 10 divisive concepts in Iowa classrooms. He was told he needs to have a real conversation with his fellow legislators of color…after being asked if he only allows certain viewpoints in his classroom.
So this is like a daily double — all legislators of color must oppose this legislation and a teacher hit at the same time.
Of course, not all legislators of color voted against this bill. In fact, a couple stood up and spoke in favor of it.
Michael calls Gobble a “so-called” teacher. Then he continued with calling him a “coward legislator.”
I wonder if Michael is one of those “anti-bullying” types who can’t recognize hypocrisy when he commits it.
Ah, the Democrat Party. The Party of “tolerance,” “diversity” and “inclusion.”
That is along as you’re a Democrat.
Good teachers, real teachers, teachers who are in the profession for the right reason will all have one thing in common — they will put kids first.
Not schools. Not systems. Not buildings. Not districts. Definitely not a union.
Because that is who education is about. Kids should be centered in education discussions.
Gobble is a respectful legislator. He really seems like the kind of guy who just wants to do the right thing.
Suggesting he isn’t a “real teacher” because of his political positions isn’t much different than suggesting someone “ain’t black” if they don’t vote for Joe Biden.
And hey, remember this…
Gobble beat former Democrat Rep. Heather Matson.
As much as some educators may disagree with Gobble’s education positions, at least he’s never advocated for killing his future students — sorry — “aborting” them.