Yesterday, a group of 89 House Democrats, led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), introduced a resolution titled a “Transgender Bill of Rights.” The resolution calls for numerous changes to federal law, including policies that would allow biological males to compete in women’s sports and access women’s private spaces, prohibit attempts to restrict children from undergoing sex-change procedures, and ban any treatment for individuals with gender dysphoria which aims to help them feel comfortable in their own bodies.
According to a Pew Research survey released yesterday, Americans are largely opposed to this agenda. They support laws banning biological males from competing in women’s sports by a 41-point margin, and they support laws prohibiting sex-change procedures for minors by a 15-point margin.
In response, Terry Schilling, president of American Principles Project (APP), released the following statement blasting the Democrats’ extremism:
“It’s official: the Democratic Party has gone completely insane. How else does one explain their doubling down on this radical transgender agenda, on the same day a wide-ranging poll is released showing its deep unpopularity with voters? Do they want to get wiped out in this November’s midterms?
“Of course, it shouldn’t require a poll to tell us the obvious. Americans strongly object to putting men in women’s sports. They don’t want their daughters being forced to share bathrooms and locker rooms with boys. And they don’t think children should be pushed into life-altering and dangerous sex-change procedures at young ages.
“Nevertheless, even as this year’s elections loom, Democrat lawmakers are once again proudly promoting their support of all these policies and more, despite the widespread opposition from voters. As long as they continue to insist on imposing this extreme agenda on the rest of the country, we will work to make them pay a political price for it. And make no mistake: there will be consequences at the ballot box, both this November and beyond.”
What some might assume to be insanity is actually demon possession. More so when the demons feel they’re losing control, they take out their fury on the host.
But they’re not only possessing democrats, they’re also possessing plenty of RINOs. And when those demons get tired of their RINO hosts, they’ll decline into insanity as well.
It’s just a matter of time, but some here in Iowa are already showing signs of that cognitive and spiritual dissonance. Can’t serve 2 masters.