Senate Democrats blocked U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) motion on Sunday that would have protected students in Washington, D.C. public schools from the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
This mandate blocks unvaccinated school kids 12-to-15-years-of-age, primarily minorities, from attending school in-person, which will have a further detrimental impact on students.
Before the vote on the motion on the Senate floor, Sen. Cruz said:
“In D.C. the rate of vaccination for students 12 to 15 is 85 percent. For African American students, the rate drops to 60 percent. The D.C. public schools have announced any student that is not vaccinated is not allowed to come to school. If Democrats vote no on this motion to commit, they will be voting to tell thousands of African American students in D.C. you’re not allowed to come to school, your education doesn’t matter.”
Watch to Sen. Cruz’s full remarks here.