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The latest Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey shows that while a military draft is wildly unpopular among likely U.S. voters, a majority believe women should be required to register for selective service.

Just 21 percent of voters said the United States should have a military draft. Sixty-one percent disagreed.

All males are required to register with the Selective Service System upon turning 18 years old. Earlier this summer, a Senate committee approved a measure that would require women to register as well.

Fifty-six percent of likely voters agreed that women should be required to register for the draft.

The same group of likely voters believe the military has gotten weaker in the last four years. Forty-five percent said the military has weakened over that course of time while just 23 percent said it has gotten stronger.

Fifty-two percent of Republicans believe women should be required to register for the draft. Fifty-eight percent of Democrats and 58 percent of unaffiliated voters agree.


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