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An interesting discovery came to my attention recently. After reviewing the information on the internet, I realize it may not be new to everyone.

Nonetheless I was surprised when a member of the Iowa House had a copy of a Planned Parenthood pamphlet from 1951.

The pamphlet was called “The Gift of Life.”

Planned Parenthood has pushed back against the idea that life begins at conception as much as any organization in the country. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America.

Yet that Planned Parenthood pamphlet from 1951 provides interesting insight.

The pamphlet says “the gift of life is shown to us with the birth of each new baby.”


Then it admits what Planned parenthood adamantly fights today.

“If one of the new male sperm meets and unites with an egg cell, a new life begins.”
But that’s not all. As I was searching the internet to learn more about the 1951 pamphlet, I found information from another Planned Parenthood pamphlet. This one was from 1952 and called “Plan Your Children.”

There’s a Q&A section where it asks if birth control is an abortion. The answer is:

“Definitely not. An abortion requires an operation. It kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely postpones the beginning of life.”

My how the times have changed.

Author: Jacob Hall


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