There is no doubt about it. No piece of legislation would do as much damage to America as HR 5 — otherwise known as the Equality Act. It has 223 cosponsors in the House of Representatives. It was President Joe Biden’s top legislative priority.
And it would fundamentally change America forever.
Liberty Counsel, among other pro-family activist groups, has sounded the alarm.
Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, said the bill represents the biggest threat to religious freedom he has ever seen. It would ultimately transform the culture with a “very radical and unforgiving” LGBT agenda.
“This bill will amend, if passed, federal law that includes non-discrimination on the basis of race,” Staver said. “So what you cannot do legally respecting race, you will not be able to do legally respecting anything related to the LGBT agenda.”
“This bill destroys bathroom privacy. It would welcome both genders into every bathroom in America.”
“It directs religious K-12 schools and daycare centers to force children to obey adults who show up at work one day as a man and the next day as a woman. These children are at a highly impressionable age. When kindergarteners have seen such events in the past, many have gone home shaking and crying, worried that they could wake up with a different gender!”
“And, this bill gags counselors from giving professional help to those facing unwanted same-sex desires or actions. It even criminalizes those who share their own story of finding freedom in Christ from homosexuality in a book or speaking engagement. This bill literally sets the stage for banning the Bible, which offers the power to free those wanting to turn away from homosexual conduct.”
There is no religious exemption to the bill either.
The bill demands every religious adoption agency place innocent children in homes with adults involved in same-sex conduct. Religious families must be willing to accept practicing LGBT minors in their home as a prerequisite to being approved as foster parents.
Property owners would be forced to accept renters whose actions violate their religious beliefs. Home-based businesses would be forced to hire and welcome LGBT people into their privately owned home.
“This legislation would create many more victims — like women in shelters who have been sexually assaulted by a man posing as a ‘transgender’ to gain access to the facility.”