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On Sunday, The Hill published a story naming the five Republican senators most likely to face a primary challenge in 2016. The first one named?

Senator Joni Ernst.

The Hill highlighted the fact that Steve Deace suggested he would run against Ernst in a primary if he was assured President Donald J. Trump would support his candidacy. Or, Deace said, he would throw his support and network behind someone else Trump would prefer.

“But I think we need to know up front the leader of the party, the President of the United States, is supportive of such an effort before launching it either way,” Deace wrote.

It also pointed out that Attorney General Brenna Bird wrote an op-ed critical of “D.C. politicians” as she suggested the GOP-controlled Senate confirm President Trump’s nominees.

Ernst also received attention from a couple of GOP county central committees while initially refusing to back Pete Hegseth’s nomination for Secretary of Defense. The Buchanan County GOP sent her a letter asking for a public explanation. The Monona County GOP expressed concern with Ernst about her recent voting record as well as initial hesitation regarding Hegseth.

Less than two years ago Ernst was censured by at least 17 Iowa GOP county central committees due to her vote for the Respect for Marriage Act, which contradicted the Iowa Republican Party Platform.

Other potential top primary targets listed by The Hill include:

Sen. Thom Tillis
Sen. Susan Collins
Sen. Bill Cassidy
Sen. John Cornyn


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