The Trump Administration is working hand in hand with state and local leaders to reopen schools safely this fall. Under President Trump’s direction, he has asked Congress to pledge $105 billion to help schools reopen safely and to pay for equipment and modifications needed due to the coronavirus.
Meanwhile, it’s more apparent than ever that Biden would rather continue to side with teachers union bosses over students, and remains committed to delaying the reopening of schools by going against health professionals for political reasons.
Despite Biden’s partisan cries, an overwhelming amount of scientists, doctors, and pediatricians, across America agree that schools should open this fall. Our nation’s experts widely recognize the health risks of coronavirus are minimal to school children under the age of 18 and the educational risks of not opening schools are causing students to fall behind.
Moreover, across the world, other countries have reopened their schools successfully and safely with no increases in the spread of the pandemic. Bottom Line: President Trump and our nation’s experts remain committed to reopening our schools safely across the country, and continue our path on the Great American Comeback.