In a puzzling letter penned by U.S. Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, an apology is offered to black constituents for opposing the results of the Electoral College.
Lankford said he failed to realize the vote would cast doubt “on the validity of votes coming out of predominately black communities.”
Talk about waving the white flag.
With all due respect, Sen. Lankford, are you kidding?
Lankford wrote he did not realize “all of the national conversation about states like Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan was seen as casting doubt on the validity of votes coming out of predominately black communities like Atlanta, Philadelphia and Detroit.
“After decades of fighting for voting rights, many black friends in Oklahoma saw this as a direct attack on their right to vote, for their vote to matter and even a belief that their votes made an election in our country illegitimate,” Lankford wrote.
The guy literally takes the premise of the Left’s argument and submits to it.
If he truly believes it, I guess fine, but then he should probably resign because that’s incomprehensible.
If he’s saying it because he thinks he has to, again, resign because he’s a liar.
Lankford said he never intended to “diminish the voice of any Black American.”
No crap, Senator.
The point of objecting to the Electoral College results had nothing to do with racism. Not a single thing.
It had to do with what many Americans believe to be a fraudulent election. Lankford voted for a 10-day audit. Trust, but verify, as President Ronald Reagan once said.
I don’t know one single person who objected to the results of the 2020 Presidential Election on the grounds of race.
Well, until now. Until Lankford stepped forward.
What a disappointment. What a weak man.