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Informed Choice Iowa, the state’s largest medical freedom advocacy group, was removed from Facebook late last week due to violating community standards. The group’s final post was a call to action demanding Gov. Kim Reynolds to call a special session in order to fix the COVID-19 vaccine passport bill.

Doctor Nathan Boonstra, pediatrician at Blank Children’s Hospital, celebrated the group’s removal from Facebook, saying:

“Facebook dropped Iowa’s major antivax group from their platform today. It took too long, but it’s a small win for children’s health and science.”

Ironically, Boonstra’s very next post, which came the next day, talked about the importance of health care provider recommendations and social network influencers when it comes to influencing vaccine decisions.

“Taking the time to drop pro-vaccine messages in your social media feed and in real-life conversations makes a difference, whether you are a doctor or not.”

Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee, according to the doctor. It is unknown how much money Boonstra has made through the years off providing vaccinations.

Democrat State Sen. Claire Celsi also shared in the celebration, noting that the “truth prevails.” Celsi put out a tweet in December of 2020 noting that Mark Zuckerberg “must be stopped somehow.”

“If he doesn’t have the scruples to reign in Facebook – then it must be regulated,” she said. “Hate to see it come to this, but it’s necessary.”

For those who still wish to receive updates from Informed Choice Iowa, you can visit their website here and sign up for their email newsletter.

This year’s Informed Conference is scheduled for Nov. 13. Find that event’s Facebook page here.

Author: Jacob Hall


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