Facebook censored social media posts featuring images from “Flamer” and “Gender Queer,” according to Oklahoma Secretary of Education Ryan Walters.
Walters said he posted some pictures of the inappropriate, sexual material stocked on the shelves in Tulsa Public Schools.
“Within minutes Facebook has blocked me and shut down my post,” Walters said. “They are censoring a conservative, let’s just be real clear about that. You know, it’s really a sad day when woke Facebook has higher standards than Deborah Gist at Tulsa Public Schools.
“It is unbelievable that they are allowing this type of inappropriate, sexual material in their library. I’m absolutely not going to stand for it.”
Walters said inappropriate sexual materials are being targeted to kids in Tulsa Public Schools
“This liberal indoctrination has to stop,” he said. “We’ve got to have a focus on academics, not indoctrination. It is way beyond time that Tulsa Public Schools pay greater focus on academics and that Deborah Gist move away from her woke, left-wing ideology.”