***This is the 12th part of a lengthy series exposing the undeniable falling away from Dordt University’s biblical roots. The first parts highlighted speakers who: wrote a book about how “white evangelicals” have “corrupted a faith” and “fractured a nation,” said American exceptionalism is a myth, believes the American church was built on white supremacy, disputes the virgin birth, shill for the secular Left, and says same-sex relationships can be “holy.” Now we take a look at the track record of Chief of Staff and Dean of Chapel, Aaron Baart. Numerous students have chosen to not attend chapel due to Baart’s messages. Baart, along with President Erik Hoekstra, have led Dordt down the road away from basic, biblical belief and toward a much more secular worldview.***
It is a sad reality when Christian college students avoid chapel due to concerns over teachings. But it’s happening at Dordt University.
We continue our look at Chief of Staff and Dean of Chapel, Aaron Baart. We’ve already told you about Baart saying the idea of Christians marching at the front of a gay pride parade “sounds a lot like Jesus.” And that we should be so full of grace people think we’re “ridiculously soft on sin.” Baart said he takes his Christianity so seriously, if a homosexual couple asked him to bake them a cake, he’d bake them two. He provided a platform to Jen Hatmaker, who says same-sex relationships can be “holy.”
Today we share two more of his teachings.
The first suggests that God is not finished speaking on homosexuality. During a chapel service on homosexuality, Baart said:
“Inspiration doesn’t mean that these things were written at one point in time but God is finished speaking. God is still speaking louder than ever, reclaiming more and more of creation and reclaiming all of our sexuality as well.”
Same chapel, similar idea.
“Jesus does not define His ministry by (homosexuality) or if He said anything about it, His followers did not deem it appropriate to write it down in the gospels. It didn’t make the list. Have we made homosexuality in Christianity America today bigger than the Bible has? Have we?”
And, earlier in the chapel, Baart attempts to minimize the implications of homosexual sin, saying that Christians shouldn’t break fellowship over issues like homosexuality.
Plenty to unpack as Baart continues to lead students away from what God says about homosexuality.
In an effort to save time, perhaps we could just consult the text Baart was supposed to be preaching from — the Bible.
As for his assertion that too often Christians break fellowship over issues like homosexuality…
“But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.” (1 Corinthians 5:11)
Homosexuality falls under the biblical umbrella of sexual immorality. Obviously this verse reveals Christians should “break fellowship” over homosexuality as well as other issues and behaviors.
It’s harsh — the idea of not even eating with such people. But it is God’s Word.
As for the idea that God may not be done speaking on homosexuality. Operating under the radical idea that the Bible is God’s Word, let’s revisit what God has said.
First, there’s the story about Sodom and Gomorrah. We know how that ended and why it ended how it did.
Then, there’s Leviticus, where homosexuality is called “detestable” (Lev. 18:22 and Lev. 20:13).
In Judges homosexuality is called “shameful” (Judges 19).
In Romans God gives them over to a “depraved mind.” God abandoned them. They did “shameful things.” They did “vile” and “degrading things.” Women turned against nature and had sex with each other. Men did the same.
“Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.” (Romans 1)
And they weren’t just in trouble for doing these horrible things, but the Bible adds, “worse yet, they encourage others to do them too.”
1 Timothy 1 also references homosexuality. Jude serves as a reminder about Sodom and Gomorrah.
Finally, 1 Corinthians 6 warns that homosexuals, among many others, will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Yet Dordt students were told God may not be done speaking on homosexuality.
Now, with all the above said, let’s examine the claim that Jesus never mentioned homosexuality.
But first, let’s try to come to an agreement. As Christians, we worship a Triune God. Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit.
Can we agree that, since the three make up one God, they three would be in total agreement? Jesus, for instance, wouldn’t disagree with His Father.
What’s the Bible say?
“I and the Father are one,” (John 10:30).
So if God mentioned homosexuality, didn’t Jesus too? If Jesus and the Father are one, is there daylight between their words?
Are we to believe that Jesus would contradict His Father on homosexuality?
Come on.
Now, let’s think about what Jesus did do. What did Jesus say about marriage?
“Have you not read in the beginning He created them male and female? For this reason, a man will leave his parents and join his wife and the two will become one.”
This is a direct reference to Genesis. Speaking of Genesis, God gives a pretty clear first command to the human race — “be fruitful and multiply.”
Jesus was an observant Jew. All Jews at that time lived under the old covenant. They lived under the Mosaic Law. Homosexual behavior is labeled a sin throughout.
Jesus also did not address many other immoral behaviors. Nobody in their right mind would assume that, because Jesus didn’t speak directly about some activity, He would endorse it or be OK with it.
Circle back around to the entire Bible — not just the red letters. To put value on the idea that Jesus never specifically mentioned homosexuality implies that Jesus’ words carry more authority than the rest of Scripture.
Now, it’s clear Baart took some of the LGBTQ agenda’s own talking points and sprinkled them into his message.
Why would anyone do that? Unless, of course, they were attempting to further that agenda.
BAART: Burn a cross, be a patriot. Burn a flag, be a criminal. Welcome to Trump’s America
BAART: We should be so full of grace, people think we’re ridiculously soft on sin
BAART: Idea of Christians marching at front of gay pride parade ‘sounds a lot like Jesus.’
BAART: He is such a serious follower of Jesus, if a gay couple asked him to bake a cake, he’d bake them two
BAART: Dordt dean of chapel leading Leftist push at Christian university
BAART: Dordt dean of chapel gives stage to Hatmaker, who says same-sex relationships can be ‘holy’