Finkenauer endorsed by pro-abortion group EMILY’s List

Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer was endorsed last week by EMILY’s List. Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY’s list, said the group works hard every day to elect pro-abortion Democrat women to all levels of government.

“I’m thrilled to be on Team Abby,” Schriock wrote. “I firmly believe that with women leading the way, we can expand the Democratic House majority in 2020. But our first task is holding the seats we gained in 2018, like Abby’s in Iowa’s First District.”

EMILY’s List’s website states that it will consistently infuse government with leaders who will drive change by electing more pro-abortion Democrat women to national, state and local office.

“EMILY’s List isn’t just about funding elections to get women elected,” the website says. “Our focus is on putting the right pro-choice Democratic women into office who will balance the face of the government, and make decisions that really improve societies across the country.”

It is difficult to understand how strengthening the right to abort an unborn baby improves society as it clearly cheapens the value put on human life.

Author: Jacob Hall


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