When Abby Finkenauer challenged Rod Blum for the First Congressional District seat, Blum’s campaign tagged Finkenauer for her radical abortion record.
“We know Abby supports late-term abortion,” an ad said.
KCRG did a “fact-check” piece on the ad and said the accusation received a ‘B.’
It was kind of a crazy grade because just seconds earlier, the KCRG reporter said this:
“Finkenauer did vote against a ban on abortions past 20 weeks in Iowa in 2017,” he said. “We could not find any instance of Finkenauer fighting to tighten restrictions on abortions past a certain time. But the phrase late-term is unclear and inflammatory.”
So, to recap, KCRG could not find one example in Finkenauer’s record where she fought to restrict abortions at all, at any stage of pregnancy. Yet the media outlet only gave the claim a ‘B.’
The Iowa Standard wonders if KCRG would like to reconsider that decision less than two years later. Finkenauer, who joined nearly all House Democrats, voted down a motion to recommit to H.R. 2339, which would have protected babies who survive abortions.
At that point — a baby surviving abortion — not providing that baby protections is no longer abortion, it’s aiding and abetting in the murder of a living human being.
It isn’t late-term abortion. It’s infanticide.
If you’re wondering, KCRG also gave Blum’s commercial an ‘F’ when it stated that Finkenauer voted to allow the sale of fetal body parts.
Now, according to Vote Smart, that’s exactly what Finkenauer did. House File 2329, March 9, 2016. Finkenauer voted no on prohibiting the sale of fetal tissue.
But KCRG ran interference for Finkenauer.
“But, that’s already banned under federal law. So her vote against the bill would not allow the sale of fetal body parts. That’s why this claim gets an ‘F.'”
As sad as Finkenauer’s voting record is on abortion, the fact a TV station ran interference for her radical extremism during a campaign is even worse.
Let’s hope KCRG was paying attention to last week’s vote in the House of Representatives that Finkenauer took. Let’s hope KCRG is honest with its viewers in that Finkenauer voted down a motion that would have protected babies who survive abortions.
Finkenauer no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt on her radical, extreme support for all things abortion.
Just let her own it. She doesn’t mind it. She embraces it.