Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer’s team hit her Republican opponent Ashley Hinson last week over Hinson’s plagiarism.
In a fundraising email sent out by McKenzie Wilson, Finkenauer’s press secretary, Wilson wrote that “integrity matters.”
“Iowa can’t afford a Congresswoman who will simply regurgitate partisan talking points and fall in line with party leaders. That’s not leading — that’s following.”
If you’re wondering, Finkenauer votes with Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi 93 percent of the time.
Finkenauer has a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood. She receives 0 percent from National Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony.
Finkenauer opposes construction of a border wall.
Finkenauer opposes Second Amendment rights. She has a 13 percent rating from the NRA.
Criticizing Hinson for “regurgitating partisan talking points” and “falling in line with party leaders” is rich.
If there’s someone Iowans likely don’t want their congressional representative plagiarizing, Nancy Pelosi is probably at the top of that list. Yet Finkenauer has followed Pelosi in D.C. despite what’s been best for Iowans.