A fiscal note was released on Monday addressing Senate File 389, a bill that requires a person operating a vehicle in the left-most lane of the roadway to make a lane change to the immediate right if the person knows or should know that a car will overtake the person’s vehicle.
Exemptions apply to road construction workers or emergency personnel in the course of duties, when traffic conditions prevent a lane change, when there is a legally established obstruction such as a traffic-control device, and when exiting on the left of the roadway.
According to the fiscal note, in FY 2018, there were 25 violations for passing on the wrong side under Iowa Code section 321.299(1) and 37 violations for failing to yield to a passing vehicle under Iowa Code section 321.299(2). The scheduled fine for both violations is $100.
Legislation Services Agency formed its conclusion based on an assumption that citations will increase under SF 389 due to the creation of a new violation. The fiscal note provides examples for 162, 312 and 562 convictions. The estimated collection rate for fines for violations is 63.8 percent.
If there are 100 additional convictions, the general fund will gain $12,000 while other funds — the victim compensation fund and the local jurisdiction, will gain $500.
If there are 250 convictions, the general fund stands to gain $30,000 while the other funds gain a combined $1,200.
If there are 500 convictions, the general fund will gain $60,000 while the other funds will combine for $2,400.