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Former Disney star Leigh-Allyn Baker covered the top three ways to get canceled at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest 2024. Baker, who starred as mother Amy Duncan on “Good Luck Charlie,” revisited the turn her career took when she began to speak out against things she believed were wrong.

Several attendees responded when asked how many of them felt like she had a role in raising them.

“Well, as your TV mother, I have some things that I’d like to say,” she said.

She then launched into “cancel culture.”

The top three things one can do to get canceled, she said:

  1. Post, comment or like some stuff on social media.
  2. Speak at a school board meeting
  3. Pick a fight with Big Pharma

Baker noted the first time she was canceled was after she commented on a picture of Joe Biden with a mask on his Twitter account. The caption with the photo simply said, “wear a mask.”

“So I responded, ‘Masks aren’t law, that’s just an overreaching suggestion, but you do you, beau,’” she said.

Such a comment was grounds for immediate cancellation and the death penalty, she said.

“After trending to No. 2 on Twitter and receiving numerous death and rape threats, I was branded a homophobic, Trump-loving racist,” Baker said. “I guess those 26 episodes of Will and Grace that I did were just overlooked.”

After she spoke out at a school board meeting, Biden held a press conference about parents at the Williamson County School Board meeting, which was basically Baker, and said they were inciting violence and their opposition to his COVID measures were an act of domestic terrorism.

“That was me he was talking about,” she said. “He said that about your mother.”

Baker added that Inside Edition edited the video, set it to ominous music, and narrated the “rant.” Articles were published about her “anti-mask tirade,” and overnight, Baker went from America’s favorite mom to America’s favorite domestic terrorist.

But picking a fight with Big Pharma is the No. 1 way to get canceled.

“I will not comply to any medical mandates ever,” she said. “This is one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. It is not one nation under government with liberty and justice for those who comply. If we as a country lose the right to reject a medical product made by the most corrupt industry in the history of the world, if the government captures the right to force medicate a people against their will, if you give up the sovereignty over your body, it is game over people. If you are for showing your papers in order to participate in society, if you want government or corporate control of food, education, science, healthcare, entertainment, news, if you want 3-D printed meat bought with your tokens earned for good behavior and blind compliance, you are not part of the resistance.”

Baker said that is some “first-order, dark-side, demonic, Sith Lord, Supreme Leader Snoke, Emperor Palpatine worshipping Bolshevik.”

“And I don’t care what your stance is on vaccines,” she said. “I don’t care if you love them or hate them. I don’t care if you got 10 of them or refuse to get any. Your freedom to choose what goes into your body is your inalienable, God-given right. That decision doesn’t belong to Fauci, it doesn’t belong to Biden, it doesn’t even belong to Trump and it certainly doesn’t belong to Speaker Mike Johnson. It is your right just for existing as a human being. See, your sovereignty comes from God and God alone.

“No man, no government, no court can take that from you. This is the issue where I will dig my gold-platform heels in and not budge one inch. So before this becomes a hill to die on, I implore you, make it a hill to not comply on.”

Baker criticized Johnson for the 1,500-page CR bill that included vaccine mandates, mask mandates, vaccine passports, expanded emergency powers and gain-of-function research.

“That is so 2020,” she said. “I just want you to know if you’re listening Supreme Leader Johnson, that I for one am not doing that.”

Baker said the first time she was canceled it was horrifying. She felt numb, sick and terrible.

“I went to bed that night and I didn’t even know who I was anymore,” she said. “But then, a miracle happened. I woke up the next day, lo and behold, I still existed. My existence had in fact not been erased.”

Baker said people cannot be canceled. The real purpose is to put so much social pressure on someone that they shut up and quietly go away.

Baker wrote a children’s book about using her “one small, little voice” to speak up for her kingdom as everyone is locked away hiding in their homes held captive by fear. During an interview about her book, she was asked what made her change so radically to stand up to Hollywood.

“And I thought, ‘Am I radical,’” she said. “I mean, that is a big word. I mean, I know I’m rad, but like, am I radical? And then it hit me, I didn’t change. They did. I was perfectly willing and able to go to work, smile at people, show my face, breathe air, live life. They wanted me to shut my mouth, muzzle my thoughts, mask my face, interview by video, stand six feet apart on a little circle on the floor behind Plexiglass, take their shot, show my papers, swab my brain. A disease so deadly, you have to stick a cotton swab from China made with ethylene oxide up your nose to your brain to see if you have it.

“I just wanted to raise my kids, live life, work a bit. They wanted me to comply to all of their tyrannical demands or else. I didn’t radically change, they did.”

Baker said the world is upside down right now and it is all by design.

“They want us to fight each other,” she said. “I’m talking about the guys who so humbly name themselves the ‘global elite.’ The really rich one percent that go to DaVos on private jets and make decisions about what they think is best for us as they plan a one world order.”

Ultimately, Baker said it is important people do not fall for the pressure to conform.

“You cannot comply your way out of this tyranny,” she said. “Pressure can either burst a pipe or it can make a diamond and you get to decide which it’s going to be. Are you going to allow this world to break your will or strengthen your resolve? Are you going to let the fear and the chaos confuse you, consume you? Or are you going to wake up every day with a renewed hope in a God that keeps His promises?”

Before all the titles she has held, Baker said she knows she is called by God to be a mother.

“I feel it in my bones. I love my kids. I’d give it all up to protect them. I did, and I’d do it again,” she said. “And I love your generation. I feel a connection to you. So when Joe Biden referred to me as a domestic terrorist, I could’ve cowered in fear, but let me tell you, that day, that public servant poked the wrong Mama Bear.”

Baker said she doesn’t co-parent with the government, she will not allow globalists to steal the generation, she will not participate in the “freedom-sucking, government-indoctrinating, financial-enslaving, one-world-tyrannical-takeover where your generation pays for the mistakes that my generation made because we were too afraid to speak up, stand up, rise up, raise up.”

That doesn’t mean speaking the truth is easy and there will not be consequences, Baker said.

“It’s hard. I have paid a price. To stand up for what you know to be true is hard. But I want you to keep hope because there’s three things that always come out – the sun, the moon and the truth.

“And sometimes we are just called by God to do hard things.”

God, she said, has set her on a new path. And she is grateful for the haters, the critics and her life is better for speaking out. She moved from California and now lives in Tennessee. She homeschools her own children now and has better friends than she has ever had before.

“Our time with our children is precious,” she said. “Parenting is the most bittersweet job in the world. I am raising the people that I can’t live without to live without me. Time is a gift, open it and cherish it.”

She shared a story from the Bible about many priests believing Jesus was the Messiah, but they didn’t come out in the open with it because of the Pharisees. They didn’t want to get kicked out of the meeting place. They desired human approval more than God’s glory.

“So I spoke the truth and I was kicked out of the meeting place,” she said. “Big deal. Last I checked the Hollywood meeting place was burning down because most of them were at Diddy’s party.”

Baker has left her comfort zone and has forged a better path for her career. She went through two years where nobody would speak to her professionally, let alone hire her. But she’s a published writer, she’s written two films, she produced and acted in a new TV series and signed with a literary agent to write another book. And, of course, she’s speaking at events like AmericaFest.

“See, I was never canceled,” she said. “I was just redirected. I have learned that when God closes a door, don’t stand there crying, jiggling the handle. Don’t get angry and try to bust it down. Don’t try to frantically pick the lock. Instead, open your eyes, look around and walk through the door He has opened right in front of you.”

God hasn’t given a spirit of fear but a “Do Not Be Afraid” for every day of the year, Baker said.

“It takes just one voice to stand up for many. Then many will join and be voices of plenty. So when fear starts to creep in, stare it right in the face. Make courage contagious. Brave up. Stand in grace.”


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