What steps can we take to say the Supreme Court doesn’t get to decide everything: “Well, we can continue to push the envelope on legislation and bills that we bring forward in our states and stand on the authorities that we do have as states and governors and be willing to, if it is challenged, to defend it. I think that’s what a lot of states talk themselves out of is pursuing those kinds of protections, because they’re concerned about the costs that would come with it because it will be appealed. It absolutely will be challenged by activist groups. But we have to have a little gravel in our belly and a little bit of money in our pocket to go fight them and be willing to do that. So, we in South Dakota have a Supreme Court case that we believe will be incredibly powerful in overturning Roe v. Wade. That has been a fight that has been ongoing for over a decade. So, this is not a short-term fight. We can continue to push these pieces of legislation that we can, how we talk about it, the science is proving our point on life issues. You guys know that, right? We’re in a totally different place. We know for a fact that that is a living human being at conception. The science has backed us up on it. So we just have to be willing to confirm it, put it into statute and be willing to fight to the Supreme Court if we need. But that’s also why we need Joni, because we need those Supreme Court justices.”
GOV. NOEM Q&A: We know for a fact that is a living human being at conception
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