Robert Unanue, the CEO of Goya, told Fox News on Friday that Coronavirus was weaponized to shut down the economy and kill Americans’ spirit.
“You know, we need a reason to get up in the morning,” he said. “God, family, work. And they’re taking away our spirit. They’re taking away our ability to work. They essentially declared martial law I believe in this country shutting everything down. It’s the worst thing we could’ve done. I think it’s criminal, I think it’s immoral to shut down this economy for basically political reasons.”
Goya, which is coming off its best year ever, was attacked when Unanue showed up at the White House at the invitation of President Donald J. Trump. A targeted boycott by the Left turned into support from the Right.
Unanue said there are states with socialist tendencies and states with capitalist tendencies. The economy, he said, was rolling right along until the “perfect storm” hit.
“Division — quite honestly hatred of the President and his followers,” he said. “We’re one nation under God, we’re not one nation under Twitter. We’re not one nation under big media or centralized government. We’re trying to have media, big tech control our lives. Government control of our lives. We need to not move away from God, we need to move closer to God.
“They want to cancel God. They want to cancel our speech. They want to cancel our culture, our history, our liberty — they want to control us. The few controlling the many, like a bunch of sheep. None of these people care about us.”