Greenfield lying to Iowans about her position on expanding the Supreme Court

Democrat Senate candidate Theresa Greenfield seems to be flipping on whether she’d support expanding the Supreme Court.

Take a look at what she said in May during a Democrat debate. Also, while you’re watching, notice how stiff and uncomfortable she looks. That’s likely why she’s refused to debate Sen. Joni Ernst.

“You know, we need a fair and impartial Supreme Court. And certainly as a United States Senator, it’s a solemn duty to advice and consent, but I don’t believe we need to expand the Supreme Court.”

But, if there’s any sure-fire indicator that a politician is about to lie to voters, this is that.

Fast forward to today…

“Supreme Court. You know, I’ll tell you what. I don’t know that that’s what we need to be doing by any means. I wouldn’t say that I have formed an opinion on that, but that’s certainly not a high priority for me and not something that Iowans are certainly talking about at this point in time.”

Well, Ms. Greenfield, I know it’s been a while since your last debate, but Iowans were talking about it enough back in May that the question was asked of every Democrat running for U.S. Senate.

And if you haven’t formed an opinion on it yet, how did you come to the conclusion that you didn’t believe it was something we should do back in May?

Look, we’re adults. We can handle an honest disagreement. But what no Iowan should have to handle is someone running to represent them in the United States Senate who is lying to them.

If you changed your mind after consultation with your key campaign strategist — Sen. Chuck Schumer — then just say so.

We’re Iowans. We get it. Things change. Perspective changes.

Just don’t lie to us.

And, if at all possible, please show up for a debate so we can make an informed, educated decision at the polling place.

Author: Jacob Hall


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